National Estate Planning Awareness Week 2022

This week, October 17 - 23, 2022, is officially National Estate Planning Awareness Week, which highlights the perfect time to become educated about the process of Estate Planning and why it is essential in your lives. Individuals commonly avoid Estate Planning due to being busy, feeling like they can wait until they get older, not wanting to think about death, or thinking they don't have enough assets to worry about. Despite these reasons to put Estate Planning off to the side, National Estate Planning Awareness Week is dedicated to making the public aware of how important it is to plan for the future.

Although it may be scary to plan for incapacity or your death, it is good to know that you are helping your loved ones by making the process easier. Planning also helps with potentially minimizing taxes and expenses, ensuring your privacy is protected, and that assets are distributed according to your wishes.

It is critical to seek counsel from an attorney to guide you through the process, and successfully draft your trust, will, and other planning documents. Our attorneys at Tresp Law, APC will provide an engaging experience where clients feel comfortable with every decision made. Call us anytime at 858-755-6672.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation.


Why Should I Have an Estate Plan?


The “Asset Protection” Stigma