Estate Planning During the Holidays

With the holiday season upon us, families prepare to get together. We have standing traditions, and sometimes start new ones. We eat good food. The holidays are also a great time to address your estate planning. 

Today, family members often live in different areas, sometimes kids are away at college. Often, it is rare that everyone is in the same place at the same time. The holidays present the perfect opportunity to talk about your life, the future, and communicate your wishes to your loved ones. In keeping with the tradition of giving, remember that estate planning is not solely about passing your assets on to future generations, but also can also include charitable gifts, educational trusts, and more. 

Even if you already have an estate plan in place, it needs to be reviewed every few years as the laws and your own circumstances evolve. Having the family together can be a good time to evaluate your estate plan and schedule a consultation with an estate planning attorney for a review before the New Year.

Call Tresp, Day & Associates today to schedule your consultation and begin planning for your future. We offer in-person appointments and face-to-face consultations utilizing video conferencing technologies such as FaceTime, Duo, and Zoom.

Contact us today for a consultation


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